Mission : Hisar

Biz Mission Hisar, Hisar Okulları Öğrenci Birliği adayı olarak hedeflerimizi başarı, yaratıcılık,
çeşitlilik ve etik değerler doğrultusunda gerçekleştireceğiz. Bizim bu yılki asıl amacımız
çalışmalarımızı grup dışı arkadaşlarımızla da sürdürebilmek. Yıllardır, öğrenci birlikleri okulu
arkadaşları için daha ilgi çekici bir yere dönüştürmeyi amaçlamıştır. Ancak, biz bu yıl sizlerin
yardımıyla lisedeki herkesi hedef almak istiyoruz. Bizim amacımız sizlerin fikirleriyle bunları
hayata geçirebilecek olan kişiler arasında bir köprü olmak, herkesin kendi yeteneğini özgürce
kanıtlayabileceği bir alan oluşturmak. Eğer biz bu yıl öğrenci birliği olarak seçilirsek, yanımızda
bizlere yardımcı olabilecek başka komiteleri de bulunduracağız. Böylece, sizler için belli
pozisyonlar açılmış olacak. Biz, Mission Hisar olarak ulaşması zor değişikliklerden bahsetmek
yerine, siz arkadaşlarımızla hep irtibatta olmamız gerektiğini düşünüyoruz. Bu sebeple çeşitli
sözler vermiyoruz, fakat sizlerin isteklerini ciddiye alacağımızı garanti ediyoruz. Sizlerden gelen
fikirler, en az grup içindekiler kadar değerli. Bu sebeple bu misyonu hep birlikte gerçekleştirelim.

As a candidate for the student council of Hisar School, Mission Hisar, we are dedicated to carry
out our missions of success, creativity, diversity, and ethics. We aspire to work as a team with
the other students. A student council’s main job has always been to make the school a better
place for their friends. However, this year, we want to make sure that we make all of the
changes we plan to do in cooperation with the entire student population. We aim to be the
bridge between your ideas in improving the school environment and the people who are capable
of doing that. If we get to be elected as the student council this year, we will run along with some
other committees that will be responsible for supervising the student council body. This means
that some other positions for students will be available as well. We, as a group, believe that in
order to make some far-reaching changes in our school community, we need to be in touch with
all of the students as frequently as possible. Therefore, instead of guaranteeing various
promises, we guarantee taking all students’ requests as seriously as we can, no less than our
own. Any request from any students is just as important as a request we would have from our
own team. Therefore, let’s make this mission possible all together.

Student councils’ main goal should always be to make their schools a great place for their peers.
How should a candidate for the student council do this?
As one of the candidates for the student council of Hisar School, Mission Hisar this year, we are dedicated to carry out our missions of success, creativity, diversity, and ethics. We aspire to work as a team with the other students because we believe, any change we make, needs to be done in coordination with the entire student population.
We aim to be a good bridge between your ideas in improving our school environment and the authorized people, who can make these changes.
If we get to be elected as the student council this year, we will be working along with the other committees. We sincerely believe that to make a good impact as student council, we need to be in continuous touch with all students of this school. We cannot promise that all requests will be done, but we can promise to take all students’ requests into care and consideration.
Our efforts, hard work, empathy and sense of responsibility play an important role in making us ready for the adult life that’s awaiting us.
Therefore, let us make this mission possible and let us do it altogether.